1.Quite often it attempts to identify input that does not correspond to any of its stored experiences.
2.Class interfaces are the only exception since they do not correspond to a managed type.
3.Property to any string; it does not have to correspond to the name of your application.
4.Although it chooses a model does not correspond to any particular criteria, but it was frequently used in practice.
5.Note: the external insulation diameter of the monitoring cores should correspond to that of the dynamic core.
6.In real systems, such a stage would correspond to times of the order of a few microseconds after the initial contact.
7.Virtual particles have energy and momentum such that the rest mass does not correspond to that of a real , free particle.
8.These indications do not correspond to a ping depth, but refer to the pressure to which the overpressure water test has been done.
9.The succession of life in the geological record did not correspond to the acts of the six days of creation.
10.The device name entered into the notification record by the rule must correspond to the name of one of the subscriber's devices.